This is a collection of links on Modern Monetary Theory. MMT is a heterodox (alternative) theory of economics.
Basics of MMT
Full/Detailed MMT primer (comments closed)
MMT graphically - Part 1 and Part 2
Then read - More Basics:
The fixed exchange rate at the heart of MMT
MMT vs Mainstream comparison
What do MMTers mean by saving- the National Accounts
Introduction to Sectoral Balances Model
Money multiplier is wrong
See also (same point):
Bank of England explains why money multiplier found in "some economic textbooks" is wrong
Canada and bank reserves
What if public debt reaches gazillion %
More MMT basics
Sectoral balances causalities and interest rates
Investment and Saving
MMT - Inflation and debt burdens
MMT explains:
MMT and inflation - Part 1 and Part 2
Cigarettes used in prisons as currency
Positive Money Debunked
US Treasuries
Zimbabwe hyperinflation
Russian Rouble (2014) and solutions
Persistent trade deficit MMT explanation
MMT books/e-books:
7 Deadly Innocent Frauds (Free download)
Understanding Government Finance
Full Employment Abandoned
MMT papers:
Non exhaustive list of MMT papers
Centre of Full Employment and Equity
MMT websites:
3spoken blog (Neil Wilson)
Billy Blog (Prof Bill Mitchell)
Bond Economics
Peter Cooper
Mike Norman